Temporary Fillings
What are Temporary Fillings?
Zachary Teach, a dedicated Buffalo general dentist discusses temporary fillings and why you might need one in the following educational dental video. If you have questions, or would like to schedule a dental appointment, please contact us today.
A lot of times in dentistry, we’re required to place temporary fillings in order to access the tooth again at a later time, and eventually clean out the temporary filling and put a more permanent filling in. A lot of times this is related to root canal procedures, sometimes crown and bridge procedures. It all depends on the certain situation. Need to access a tooth? Again, place a temporary filling to go back in at a later date and eventually place a more permanent filling.
Do you need a temporary filling? Contact our Buffalo general dentist today to schedule a consultation. We have been in private practice serving Buffalo and the Southtowns community in Buffalo for nearly 40 years, and welcome the opportunity to put a smile on your face.
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