2018 Halloween Candy Buy Back
This Halloween, Teach Dental Group is participating again in the Halloween Candy Buy Back program to support our troops! This is an excellent program that allows the community to make a healthy choice that will also benefit our dedicated US soldiers.
How it Works
All you have to do to participate in the Halloween Candy Buy Back is bring in your Halloween candy to our Teach Dental Group office. For every pound of candy that is brought it, $1 will be given to the troops, and that pound of candy will be shipped to them so they can have a sweet treat. We have partnered with Operation Gratitude who will be shipping the candy that you donate directly to our troops, first responders, veterans, and their families serving throughout the US and abroad.
Why Participate?
Halloween is a fun holiday for kids, but not so much for parents. Candy is fine in moderation, but as a parent, you may be worried about your child eating a bucket’s worth of candy to themselves. That’s perfectly understandable. You may be thinking that, while you don’t want to waste this candy, you also don’t want your child to reap the consequences of eating too much. With our Halloween Candy Buy Back program, you can make a healthy choice that supports a patriotic cause. In exchange for your candy, not only will you be helping raise money for the troops and providing them with a treat, but you will receive dental-friendly xylitol products, sugar-free candy alternatives, toothbrushes and other dental hygiene products.
Who Can Participate?
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate! If you are with a school, this would be an excellent program to get the students and parents involved with. If you are a parent of a child who did really well on Halloween night, or even someone who bought too much candy to pass out, we’d love to see you stop in.
We are looking forward to seeing you in to participate in our 2018 Halloween Candy Buy Back. If you have any questions, please contact our office for more information.